职称:Assistant Professor
所属学校:Boston University
所属院系:College of Arts & Sciences
所属专业:Mathematics and Statistics, Other
联系方式: 617-358-2394
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Boston University, and am moving to the Industrial & Operations Engineering Department in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor from January 2015. My research focuses on building computation tools to analyze decisions and to manage risk under stochastic environment. The goal is to construct methodologies that can handle complex dynamics, are model-robust, and can effectively incorporate data. Methodologically, I use a combination of Monte Carlo methods, simulation optimization and statistics. Regarding applications, I am broadly interested in engineering operations, service systems, and risk management. I received my Ph.D. degree in statistics at Harvard University in 2011, under the supervision of Professor Jose Blanchet. I am also affiliated with the Center for Information Systems and Engineering, and am a Croucher scholar in Hong Kong.
Boston University , Boston, Massachusetts Employment Department of Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Professor January 2011{Present