所属学校:Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
所属院系:Computer Science Department
所属专业:Computer Science
I am a Sri Lankan born Naturalised Zimbabwean. I lived my first 3 years in Sri Lanka, the next 6 years in Zambia (Kabwe and Lusaka) and the following 7 years in Zimbabwe (Mutare and Harare). I have since lived in the U.S. ( New Haven, Pasadena and Albany). I did my High Schooling at Saints in Harare and my undergraduate study at Yale. I entered Caltech for a PhD in theoretical physics, but have taken a diversion from those mathematical manipulations into the topic of learning/machine intelligence. I have a masters in Physics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering with minor in Physics from Caltech. I loved the weather in sunny Pasadena! I am currently Professor of Computer Science at RPI. I am theoryish but I like to see things validated in experiment or practice: I like the theoretical, the hypothetical and the real.
Associate Professor, RPI, July 2006-June 2012 Assistant Professor, RPI, January 2000-July 2006 Research Scientist and Post Doctodal Fellow, California Institute of Technology, August 1998- December 1999.