职称:Professor of Strategy
所属学校:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
所属院系:School of Business
所属专业:Business Administration and Management, General
联系方式:734) 763-3740
PHD Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 1994 MS Massachusetts Institute Of Technology 1990
Dr. Afuahs honors include the 2012 Academy of Management Review (AMR) Best Paper Award. AMR is the number one research journal in business and management. Professor Afuahs honors also include the MBA Teacher of the Year award in 1999. His sixth book, Business Model Innovation, incorporates concepts such as crowdsourcing, the long tail, social media, disruptive technologies, open innovation, and less-is-more innovations. His second book, Internet Business Models and Strategies (co-authored with Christopher Tucci) has been translated into more than nine different languages, and has been adopted by dozens of schools to teach business models. His research has also been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Economics of Innovation and New Technology. His latest research focuses on how crowdsourcing and business model innovation can be used to explain how to create wealth, especially in countries that have remained desperately poor despite being heavily endowed with natural resources. His latest book, Business Model Innovation, is being translated into Korean