职称:Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics Assistant Professor of Human Genetics
所属学校:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
所属院系:human genetic
所属专业:Human/Medical Genetics
Dr. Boyle's reasearch group aims to combine both computational and wet lab strategies to answer questions related to the transcriptional regulatory control of human genes. We believe that a complex regulatory control determines the fates of individual non-coding regulatory elements and that the integration of diverse genetic, epigenetic, and disease data is the best way to explore this control. Using innovative computational and wet lab approaches the lab both characterizes the function of these regulatory elements as well as examines the effect of genetic variation in these regions.
Dr. Boyle's reasearch group aims to combine both computational and wet lab strategies to answer questions related to the transcriptional regulatory control of human genes. We believe that a complex regulatory control determines the fates of individual non-coding regulatory elements and that the integration of diverse genetic, epigenetic, and disease data is the best way to explore this control. Using innovative computational and wet lab approaches the lab both characterizes the function of these regulatory elements as well as examines the effect of genetic variation in these regions.