The mission of the Department of Mathematics at Illinois State University is to: ©woodleywonderworks CC-BY-SA-2.0, via Flickr | Cropped provide a supportive environment for the learning of mathematics; provide the opportunity for mathematics and mathematics education majors to receive a high-quality undergraduate education; provide the opportunity for students from other disciplines to learn mathematics and its applications; provide the opportunity for high-quality graduate education through our master's and doctoral programs; contribute to the development and growth of mathematical sciences and mathematics education through research and scholarship; prepare high-quality elementary, middle school, secondary, and post-secondary mathematics teachers; contribute to the improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics in schools and other educational institutions; and promote an understanding of the contributions mathematics has made to society through outreach and service to the community. This mission statement underlies the Department's commitment to teaching its discipline, to teaching teachers of its discipline, and to scholarly activities and public service in its discipline.