Psychology is the scientific study of the mind. It deals with how we perceive information in the world, how we process that information, how we respond to it emotionally and cognitively, how we learn about it, and how our mental processes change over time. Because of the breadth of its content and its methodology, Psychology makes contact with a wide variety of other disciplines and interdisciplinary activities. It can be used either as the focus of a liberal arts education or as a complement to another focus. It provides the kind of analytic and conceptual skills which are relevant to becoming a thinking person. It also can serve as the foundation for any number of careers. Majors are required to take a total of 13 credits. At Penn, the study of Psychology begins with Psyc 001, Introduction to Experimental Psychology. Declaring the Major Students should declare a major in their sophomore year. To declare a Psychology Major you must meet with Dr. Kurzban, Director of Undergraduate Studies (dus@psych.upenn.edu) or Dr. Connolly, Asistant Director of Undergraduate Studies, during office hours, or Ms. Claire Ingulli (cingulli@psych.upenn.edu), Undergraduate Coordinator, M-F. You must fill out a Psychology Major Worksheet and bring it with you to the meeting. Important: Your Psychology Major Worksheet must be completed prior to your advising meeting and brought with you to the meeting. Please note: you can click on the "Forms" link at left to access the Psychology Major Worksheet. - See more at: http://psychology.sas.upenn.edu/undergraduate#sthash.qH5nurHg.dpuf