The major in theology has proven to be excellent preparation for careers and professions requiring careful reasoning, close reading, clarity in written expression, the ability to make ethical decisions, and a broad understanding of cultures. It provides a solid background for graduate study in the humanities and for such professional schools as medicine, business, and law. For those wishing to pursue a career in academic theology, ministry, or religious education increasingly, these are lay persons rather than seminarians and religious—theology, of course, is still a prerequisite. Many students now also elect theology as a second major or as minor to balance and broaden their education and to provide perspective on other disciplines in the natural or social sciences and the humanities. The Theology department boasts a large, internationally known faculty with expertise in areas as diverse as biblical studies, church history, systematic theology, theological ethics, pastoral psychology and comparative theology. The major curriculum in Theology incorporates both structure and flexibility. Majors take a combination of essential, required courses and electives from within and outside the Department of Theology. Programs are designed, in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For more information about specific requirements, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Brian Robinette.