所属学校:Catholic University of America
A member of the faculty for 53 years (spring 2016), Professor Levine's teaching experience includes courses covering history, mixed use development, housing, the general plan, federal community assistance programs, and thesis. These offerings intergrate pragmatic experiences related to planning, design, public policy, built-environment, and economic sectors influecing the status and outlook of our cities, metropolitan regions, and the nation-at-large.
In addition to teaching, Professor Levine has served as the chair of the School of Architecture and Planning Curriculum Committee and Student Life Committee. He also has served on the school's Research and Budget committees. His past involvment as the university includes member of the Provost and Law School Dean selection committees, Strategic Planning, and Resource allocation committees, faculty representative on the 2012 Master Plan Selection Committee, and on the Steering Committee overseeing that effort. At the community level he is President Emeritus of the Jewish Day School (with a current enrollment of 1100 students from K through 12), Capital Campus (a resident camp and retreat center for Greater Washington and Baltimore), JCAB (an agency collaborating programs for higher education spanning Virginia, Maryland and the Distric of Columbia), a past officer of the Jewish Federation of Washington, and a chair of its planning, budget, and Israel committees. His role within the profession encompasses president and other constituent elements of the national Capital Area chapter of the American Planning Association (APA), past member of the APA Board of Governors, Fellow FAICP of the American Institute of Certified Planners, and past member of the Fellows selection committee.