职称:Associate Professor
所属学校:University at Buffalo
所属院系:School of Architecture and Planning
联系方式:(716) 829-5891
Associate Professor Hiroaki Hata holds a post-professional degree in urban design from Harvard University and a Master of Architecture degree from Washington University. Hata’s research and creative work focuses on the design, history, theory and criticism of urban structures and community development. Hata has been an urban design/master planning consultant and designer for numerous projects including theRochester Corn Hill Neighborhood Master Plan, theUniversity at Buffalo North and South Campuses Landscape Master Plan, Niagara Falls Pine Avenue Business District Urban Design Plan. He is a registered architect in New York State and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Institute of Urban Design. Hata also teaches a joint studio with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. His joint studio project, “Shaping A New Town Center for Grand Island, NY” won awards from American Planning Association’s Upstate and Western New York Chapters.