所属学校:Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
所属院系:Department of Information Technology and Web Science
所属专业:Information Technology
联系方式:(518) 276-8105 or (518) 276-6612
Selmer Bringsjord specializes in the logico-mathematical and philosophical foundations of articial intelli- gence (AI) and cognitive science, and in collaboratively building AI systems on the basis of computational logic. Though he spends considerable \engineering" time in pursuit of ever-smarter computing machines, he claims that \armchair" reasoning time has enabled him to deduce that the human mind will forever be superior to such machines. Bringsjord received the bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and the PhD from Brown University, where he studied under Roderick Chisholm. Bringsjord is not unhappy about the apparent fact that he is through Chisholm an intellectual descendant of Leibniz, many of whose views to a high degree align with his own, and whose interest in a rather wide range of intellectual matters matches his own trans-disciplinary modus operandi
ringsjord has long been on faculty at America's oldest technological university