所属学校:Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
所属院系:Department of Information Technology and Web Science
所属专业:Information Technology
His research interests are generally in: Analytical Approaches to Emergency Management: Research focuses on the development of models for disaster management, including transportation of hazardous materials. Investigating the development of Decision logic for crisis management. The Process of Modeling: The acquiring of an expert's judgment and experience and its subsequent codification in a form amenable to representation by a complex model is the objective of this research. Present work is concerned with (i) designing an automated means of support for this process, (ii) the use of visual, both 2D and 3D, and (iii) studying ways and acquiring knowledge about the usual or exceptional occurrence. On-going research includes Decision Support for Group Improvisation; the development and assessment of a blackboard architecture for supporting improvisation by emergency response teams supported by NSF, Visualization and the Process of Modeling (with Professor Willemain) supported by NSF; Trust and Knowledge Management: The Develop and Implementation of Graph-Theoretic Models for the Assessment of Trust in Sources of Knowledge -- supported by NSF. The Impact of the World Trade Center Attack on Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies, supported by NSF, and Wireless Advanced Travelers Information Systems, supported by FHA and NYSDoT.