所属学校:Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
所属院系:Department of Information Technology and Web Science
所属专业:Information Technology
Dr. Cheng Hsu is Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (formerly Decision Science and Engineering Systems) and Professor of Information Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY12180-3590. He earned Ph.D. degree in Management Sciences (with a minor in Computer Science) and MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering both from Ohio State University, and BS in Industrial Engineering from Tunghai University, Taiwan. He served on Rensselaer's Faculty Council, Faculty Senate, and various other academic committees at the school and institute levels (including the Institute-wide BS-IT and MS-IT curricula committees). He has been a keynote speaker to a number of international meetings in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Italy, and Canada, as well as in the US. Dr. Hsu is a contributor to the fields of Information Systems, e-Manufacturing, and Service Science (see the Publications section). His research on service science is concerned with the foundations and scaling of service value networks. He developed a thoery of Digital Connections Scaling to help explain the dynamics of digitally enabled service models in the connected world. The theory recognizes population-wide connected value cocreation among persons and organizations as a transforming mode of production for knowledge-based economies, and derives new service system design laws from it. A new Hyper-Networks model formulates the network-scientific nature of service value creation in the connected world, i.e., the analytic nature of connected value cocreation. The new system design laws scale service value networks up to the populations of customers, providers, and resources; down to individual users; and transformational to cross-sectional collaboration. The new theory is consistent with such results as instrumentation of the environments (using, e.g., RFID systems, wireless sensor networks), Cyber-Infrastructure-Assisted Enterprises, and the market approach to open and scalable information exchange. Ultimately, the theory supports a person-centered paradigm for the connected world. Dr. Hsu is also currently engaging in research on sustainability design for products and production systems, and design of home-based smart micro grid systems for distributed energy supply. He is the originator of the Metadatabase and Two-Stage Entity-Relationship Models, both of which give rise to the research section of this Web site, Enterprise Integration and Modeling. He has been a principal investigator of Rensselaer's Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and Adaptive Integrated Manufacturing programs, and a number of other government- and industry-sponsored projects. The sponsors include companies such as Alcoa, Digital, GE, GM, IBM, and Samsung Electronics, and government sources such as the U.S. National Science Foundation, Army Research, New York State, and NATO. Dr. Hsu teaches Multi-disciplinary Capstone Engineering Design, Discrete Systems Simulation, Databases, e-Business engineering, and Information Systems. His publications include seven books and edited volumes, and over a hundred scholarly papers in a number of archival journals and proceedings. He is a member of AIS, IEEE, INFORMS, and ASEE. He has been serving on the editorial boards for several journals and organizations, including, e.g., INFORMS Journal of Service Science and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Departmental Contact Information: ISE Department at 5123 CII, RPI, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590 Email Address: hsuc at rpi dot edu A brief resume is found here.
He served on Rensselaer's Faculty Council, Faculty Senate, and various other academic committees at the school and institute levels (including the Institute-wide BS-IT and MS-IT curricula committees). He has been a keynote speaker to a number of international meetings in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Italy, and Canada, as well as in the US.