Mission CEE Strategic Plan (PDF) By-Laws (PDF) Our mission is to integrate research and education in civil and environmental engineering through teaching that emphasizes both fundamentals and their application in engineering design; research that provides both the innovations of today and trains the innovators of tomorrow; a permeating culture of professionalism, ethics, innovation, and life-long learning; and service that supports, promotes, and nurtures the professional and educational communities in which we are engaged. Goals Develop an integrated undergraduate/graduate educational program; enhance the quality of graduates and their graduation rates in BS and BS/MS programs; develop integrated program requirements; and enhance the student, faculty, administration, and employer culture. Expand the undergraduate research experience, increase undergraduate involvement in research activities, and change student culture regarding research. Promote post-baccalaureate education (research—PhD), build leading research programs in one or more targeted area(s), enhance incoming student quality, promote a diverse student body, expand the doctoral program, seamless research integration with ORNL, and cultivate an outstanding faculty.