所属学校:University of California-Santa Barbara
所属院系:Computer Science Department
所属专业:Computer Science
联系方式:(805) 893-5362
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Department of Mechanical Engineering. Affiliated Faculty, Department of Mathematics. Director, Computational Science and Engineering Graduate Emphasis. Director, Summer Applied Biotechnologies Research Experience (SABRE) of the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies. My research is focused on modeling, analysis, simulation and software, applied to multiscale, networked systems in biology, materials and social networks. My research group has been developing advanced algorithms for discrete stochastic simulation of systems where the fate of a few key molecules can make a big difference to important outcomes. We engage with experimentalists through the analysis of data and the development of mathematical models that yield insight and suggest new directions for research. Current collaborations range from biology(circadian rhythm (jet lag), and cell polarization), to medicine (coagulopathy and post-traumatic stress disorder), to ecology (chytrid disease in frogs), to social networks (sentiment analysis and opinion dynamics). We are collaborating with Prof. Chandra Krintz on the development of an integrated, cloud-based environment called Stochastic Simulation Service (StochSS) for modeling and simulation of biological processes.