所属学校:University of California-Santa Barbara
所属院系:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
所属专业:Electrical and Electronics Engineering
联系方式:(805) 893-4236
I'm a professor in the Computer Science Department and the Media Arts and Technology Program (an interdisciplinary program positioned at the convergence of arts, media, and technology). My research interests are in computer vision and human-computer interaction, largely concerned with using computer vision as an input modality. That means using cameras (and other sensors) to perceive relevant information about people and the world - e.g., identity, facial expression, body movement, gestures, 3D scene structure - and then using this information to improve the interface between humans and computers. In recent years, many of the applications have been in computational photography and augmented reality, and mostly focused on real-time mobile computing environments. See the Four Eyes Lab web site for research projects, publications, etc.
In 1987 he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received a Ph.D. from the Media Lab in 1991 for his work on automatic face recognition.In 2000 he joined the faculty of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), where he is now a full Professor in the Computer Science Department and former Chair (2005-2010) of the Media Arts and Technology Graduate Program.